
Who Might Like This Website?

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Or – Who Might Benefit from it?

First of all, the site is for me. It’s to help keep me on track, to keep me reminded of where I am going and where I am taking my kids. After that, if you are reading this now – something brought you here and so I have to presume there is something here for you too – or someone you know.


Just now much of my thought is with my children and every day I learn new stuff about them and with them. We explore new ways of dealing with the little everyday “downs” and how to turn them in “ups” so other children and young people might find the site interesting.

Parents of Special Needs Children

I have learned so much from my children – so far, maybe more than they have learned from me.  In thinking about the past, I sometimes say “if only I knew then what I know now…”  We are all different and every one of our children is unique in themselves.  But, maybe some of the stuff I have learned along the way and more recently will help another parent or two.


If you think you have problems…try thinking about them differently, or better yet, don’t think about them at all.  That is what I have learned and guess what?  It’s working for me.  What do you have to lose by trying another way to cope?

I don’t know what or where the end of my own story will be – but I sure am going to enjoy the journey!

I Love Being Me

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