
Now You Know What You Don’t Want…

image and quote

Now you know what you don’t want for your life it’s time to just focus on what you really do want.  This might take a little practice. 

As we grow from child to adult the world can train us into focusing on problems and what we don’t want.  So the older we get we can find our thoughts automatically going to “what do I need to solve/fix/sort out now?”   That is generally the case if life is a struggle.  It’s a bit different with happy people who have easier lives….now the funny thing is….they have easier lives because they are happy.  It’s not that they are happy because they have easy lives.  This might need a bit of thinking about.

Sometimes we have to experience things in life we don’t like to fully realize what we do like and to appreciate what we already have.  Changing our thoughts here can also take practice.  For example – maybe you are not getting enough sleep because you have a child that wakes a night, stays up all night, wants to play when you just want to sleep.  Instead of replaying the thought “Oh I wish he would go to sleep, I am so tired!”  You could try focusing on thoughts about how nice it will be when he does sleep all night…how nice it will be when my timing for sleep fits in with his…how great it will be when…. and isn’t it great that he is so interested in and isn’t it great that….etc. etc. etc.

If you do this consistently you will be surprised how fast the situation changes and how other things start falling into place to make life easier.

From situation to situation once you know what you don’t want – get into the habit of asking yourself “What do I want?  –  If I don’t want this then I obviously want….(the opposite probably) and turn your thoughts to the wanted instead of the unwanted.



I Love Being Me

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