Reminder Cards for Girls
The Girl Cards are the same as the Boy Cards just in different colours. Sit with your child and make a game of reading the cards. As your child reads the cards one after the other, you will know by the expression on his/her face what their issues are – where they are finding life difficult. I would not make this discovery a big deal. I would simply make a point of working on those issues as situations arise where this will be easy to do. It will take time depending on the issues and how deeply ingrained their belief or lack of self-belief is.
It is more important our children believe in themselves and appreciate themselves for WHO they are than WHAT they can do. It is so easy for adults, teachers and parents to praise children for accomplishments and WHAT they do as opposed to showing them we love and appreciate them simply for who they are. In my opinion…this is possibly the greatest gift we can give our children – and it doesn’t cost a dollar, it’s just our words and our time.
A child’s self-belief gives him/herself the freedom to explore their full potential in all aspects of life. It puts them in control of themselves. Powerful self-belief prevents them ever falling victim to anybody in any way.
Bullying is a issue all over the news these days – can a child be bullied if they have a deep core belief in themselves and their own power? When you believe in yourself it emanates from you – you don’t have to pretend it and nobody can neutralise it….nobody!